St Paul's with St Andrew's, Hereford

All about us

St Paul's is a Christian Community. We gather weekly as a whole community for prayer, celebration, song, learning and to experience the care and belonging of God's love in community.

St Paul's is part of the Hereford Diocese, which seeks to embody God's love and new life.

We seek to embrace our community with the love of Christ. As such we are here for each other but we are also here for the wider community and the world. We are a diverse community that believes God love diversity and so we embrace all people of every age, race, creed, sexual orientation, economic status or any other characteristic.

St Paul's is ever changing. Every new person God sends changes the community, changes the dynamic. Come and see for yourself.

We are pleased to welcome our new vicar Rev Andy Dodwell and his family, Andy was licensed on March 27 at St Paul's and we look forward to Andy's ministry among us.



Join us on Sundays at 10.00am

A church is like a family. Just as families exist in all shapes and sizes, so there is an enormous variety of churches. Encountering a new group of people who all know each other and all know what is going on can feel intimidating. St Paul's has a relaxed friendly atmosphere.


St Paul's church is open during daytime, 9.30am to 5.00pm, for anyone who wishes to spend time in prayer and reflection. We hope you find comfort and peace in this place. Whatever or whoever is on your mind today, be still before God, who cares for you and those you love.

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