In St Paul's and across Hereford city we are painfully aware of missing generations as we live and worship the Fullness of life which Jesus came to bring. We may not also be aware of another change over the last 10 years - that many young people beyond Primary school are now hungry in spirit.
Thanks to the vision of our Diocesan and local church leaders, we've been able to employ Abbi Scott since September 2023, as a LifeLink Chaplain, mostly inside Bishop of Hereford's Bluecoat School but also in our linked Primary schools, churches and community centres.
Her role is to reach the young people of Hereford with the good news of Jesus, this role is part of a five year project shared with Hereford Diocese. The cost is shared between the diocese and the parish, with the parish gradually funding a greater proportion. Regular sponsorship is currently being sought amongst members of the congregation. Abbi updates the congregation regularly with reports of progress and requests for prayer.
Her vision for her role is:
• To see more young people engaged with faith.
• To develop strong connections with primary schools to help children explore faith.
• For youth provision to be set up in the local area. Eg. Whitehouse Community Hub
Her role helps link together school, church and home. She works in Bishop of Hereford’s Bluecoat School and in St Paul’s and Hampton Dene Primary schools and continues to establish good links with them.
Her heart for the role is for there to be lasting impact in the lives of young people as we reach them and show them the love of Jesus. Crucial to this is the support and leadership of the church to make this sustainable into the future.