St Paul's with St Andrew's, Hereford

St Paul’s Church

This area of Hereford was originally part of the Parish of Hampton Bishop, some 3 miles away. In fact it could be said that St Andrew's is the mother church, and both churches are in the same Benefice.

In the mid 19th century, the population of Tupsley had reached 800 and there were insufficient 'free' pews within the city. In 1860 the then Bishop provided a 5 acre site for a new church, a parsonage, and £50 towards the cost. Further gifts met the estimated £2360. F.R. Kempson, a local architect was appointed. His design is relatively simple and included a tower with a spire. The external walls are stone and the interior is in the 'early decorated style' with an exposed timber roof.

The foundation stone was laid by the Rt Hon Lady Saye and Sele on the 14th July 1864 and the scroll been the stone recorded that all pews were to be free forever.

There was seating for a congregation of 400. The first vicar Revd Thomas Canning created a congregation by holding services in a small mission room On Ledbury Road. The church was consecrated by the Bishop on 17th November 1865. Revd Thomas Canning went on to serve for a further 32 years.

Of special interest are the stained glass windows designed and made in the William Morris factory by J.H. Dearle, these depict Christ healing the woman, Peter and John healing the lame, two Marys at the empty tomb. The south-east window is based on 'Miraculous draught of fish' by Burne-Jones and made in the William Morris factory.

The doorway to the link was cut in 2001 on completion of the new community centre which is now used by St Paul's Childcare and is available for hire. The original pews were replaced in 2009 with the present chairs.

Join us on Sundays at 10.00am

A church is like a family. Just as families exist in all shapes and sizes, so there is an enormous variety of churches. Encountering a new group of people who all know each other and all know what is going on can feel intimidating. St Paul's has a relaxed friendly atmosphere.


St Paul's church is open during daytime, 9.30am to 5.00pm, for anyone who wishes to spend time in prayer and reflection. We hope you find comfort and peace in this place. Whatever or whoever is on your mind today, be still before God, who cares for you and those you love.

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